For Wall of Fame: 1 minute at each station continous running clock and count. Score is total number of reps. Each person must have a counter for workout. 3 Rounds: Row (count Kcals) 10 ft. target Wall Ball Shots 20#, 14# SDHP 75#, 55# Box Jumps 24", 18" Push Press 75#, 55# 1 minute rest between rounds
***Your score is the load you choose. You must do all of the reps in each round without resting the bar on the ground. Touch and go on the ground, and there is NO re-grippping on the ground. You can rest the bar anywhere but on the ground. Rest as long as you want in between rounds.
5 Minute Double Unders 4 Minute Walking Lunges 3 Minute Push Ups 2 Minute Air Squats 1 Minute Pull Ups *There is no rest in between exercises. Score is total reps for all movements.